Use nodraw before hollowing out the starting cube, then change the interior textures. This will significantly speed up the map-making process, as you don't need to change every single non-visible face just because you hollowed it out first.

Making Portal tests in Hammer is a pain, you have to use a bunch of crappy prefabs, and have the room be JUST the right size, and the textures have to be JUST right, or it'll look terrible. Just use BEE2 (maybe even edit BEE2 levels). However, once Portal 2 Community Edition comes out, go ahead.

Remember, displacements exist. Use them.

Goldsrc maps may be easier than Source maps.

To bonemerge/parent, drag the parent animation set onto the child animation set. Then, while selecting the child animation set, use the "Zero" preset. Finally, select the child animation set's flexes (if it has any), and set them to default. This method can also be used to replace models.

When recording, make sure that you only record what is needed.

Maps without lighting are useful if you want to use JUST your own lighting.

Remember to visualize in your head what you want to make before making it.

Medic and Sniper's models have similar structures, and bonemerging them will rarely cause any problems.

Stay away from 2fort. I know it's great, but staying on 2fort can prevent you from getting better at TF2. Break away from the endless cycle of 2fort, and try Dustbowl or Doublecross.

Make sure to set sv_allow_point_servercommand to always, so maps like tr_walkway will actually work.

Also, know your limits. There's no cowardice in running from a clearly superior enemy. If you see almost the entire enemy team, run for your life.

Remember, if you rage when getting killed, you're not friendly.

My opinion on TF2 and it's community for some reason:

TF2's community shaped the game into what it is today, and without all of its content, who knows what would become of TF2. A fan-made "Team Fortress 3" animation shows that TF2 is more than just a game. It has references from almost every era of TF2's memes, jokes, fads, and more. Hell, after years of no major TF2 updates, the community revived TF2 from the dead, bringing us some of the best updates, both for people making custom content for TF2, and regular players. One of the more recent updates gave us vscripts, a tool for mappers that simplifies many tedious and complicated things in Hammer. Additionally, we now have a 64-bit update, which improves the performance while also changing the video format to a way more common one.

Remember to mess around. Who needs half an hour long tutorials when you can learn by crashing Blender 50 times in a row?

Subdivide multiple times to lag the hell out of everything.

When importing Source models, remember that with the wrong settings, all the models' parts will be stuffed into one spot.

The bucket values control the weapon's slot. 0,0 is the crowbar, not 1,1.

Make sure that every print name and slot is different.

Remember, when playing Unreal Engine 4 games, check to see if the devs made the stupid mistake of leaving the console enabled BEFORE you use the Universal UE4 Unlocker.

Unity games are literally MORE hackable than UE4, thanks to BepinEx

Gamemaker Studio games are also very hackable, however there isn't a good way to hack on the fly like in Unity

screw clickteam fusion

Default portal size in Portal 2: portals_resizeall 33 55

sv_monster_turret_velocity exists, the default is 100. Controls Frankenturret velocity, obviously

It's "ent_fire !picker", not "ent_fire !pointer".

Interesting Portal entities:

Note: All the Meet the Team maps have a lot of modifications and additions. MTM's map was only revealed in part of an SFM advertisement that included an early version of MTM.

How Nokia can take over the phone war, destroying both Android users and iPhone users:

The Nokia Brick

Ideas for changes to TF2